


Maine Water has prepared a fact sheet that includes these tips

Caulk around pipes where they enter your home. Search your house pertaining to un-insulated water pipes, especially PVDF Valves Suppliers inside unheated areas. Homeowners can use the bucket or container to snatch the dripping water and reuse it for another purpose.

One more option is electric heating tape, but follow manufacturers’ instructions carefully avoiding a fire hazard. Frozen water lines typically occur in areas just like crawl spaces or along that outside walls where unprotected plumbing generally more vulnerable to the features. (LEX 18) –

With colder weather now in the Bluegrass, Kentucky American Water reminds customers of approaches to help prevent water pipes by freezing this winter. L

EXINGTON, Ky.. Seal cracks or holes within windows, walls or doors near the meter or pipes. Check attics, examine spaces, and outside walls. Wrap interior pipes with efficiency, particularly in unheated areas such as garage, basement or crawl room. Maine Water has prepared a fact sheet that includes these tips and additional information on how to proceed if a homeowner’s water conduits or water meter does freeze them

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